Friday, June 11, 2010

Times for myself.

I'm learning that taking short cuts on how I care for myself has been very detrimental to my emotional health and my mothering.  Yes my kids are young, and apparently, as I've heard from many people it will #1: get better, #2: go by really fast, #3: not last forever.  Well how does that really help me as I parent, I mean really?  I feel like basically you're telling me, suck it up and don't whine, we've all been there, treasure these times while you have them.  Great, but its really hard when you're looking at these little people, who belong to you, and are your responsibility, and they are screaming, and fighting, and whining.  There are good times, but as human beings, its natural for us to focus on the bad and remember the ugly.
I know this season won't last forever, but I'm still going to take time to regenerate myself (which means time away from my kids *gasp).  I want to remember this time in 10 years as a time in my life where I was smart, had wisdom in training my kids, and used tools to self soothe--- rather than remember it as surviving or not even remembering it at all.  When the good times happen I want to be able to take them in like a breath of fresh air, slow and deep, not as a sudden gasp.  In order for that to happen I have to take my "me" time seriously.  I'm no longer taking short cuts.  I'm taking care of me, so that I can take care of my beautiful girls in a more healthy way.

1 comment:

My Little Warriors said...

You go girl! THE number one most important way to take care of your children is to take a break from them, take care of yourself, make sure you are feeling healthy in all aspects AND then you are able to love your children even better! This has been a very hard lesson for me and it seems like our culture says that if you have to take a break form your children then you must be a bad mother... WRONG. anyway you should check out the book.. real moms, real jesus. GREAT book!