Monday, August 17, 2009

Super Mommy!

Becky was supposed to be resting on the couch. I could hear her talking to herself quietly from the kitchen. "Becky, stop talking."
"How do you know I am talking? How can you hear me?"
"Because I have super mommy powers."
"Because I'm a super mommy!"
"No you're not, you don't have a cape!"

Proud Mommy Moment

We visited a new church yesterday and we were late getting Becky to her class. We slipped her in her class and went to service. When we went to get her the teacher asked me if our last name was Cerezo. I said yes. He said that they had asked her and she told them "I'm Becky Cerezo, C-E-R-E-Z-O" Awww, she can spell her last name! And she says it better than mommy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dora Impressions...

Emma has become a HUGE fan of Dora, to the point of using it as a reward or taking it away for a consequence. Her new specialty is to say: "oooohhhh maaaaannnn" when she doesn't get her way, like Swiper the Fox. It cracks me up every time~~!!! LOL

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


A few weeks ago Emma was throwing a fit in the kitchen about something she wanted.
So I asked her:
"Emma why are you crying??"
"I'm NOT crying, I'm whining!!!"

Well, at least she was being honest!