Thursday, February 26, 2009

Potty training adventures

Week #4- Natalie starting week #4 of potty training: We're about 95% around the clock YAY- but Emma took her tights and pull-up off in the middle of our Sunday School lunch... (she does this at home and then runs to the potty, why not in public???? Ahhh I was so embarrassed!)

Week #3- Natalie in week #3 of potty training: Emma woke up sometime in the middle of the night to pee on her own!!! (I don't know when, she didn't wake me up!)

Week #2- Natalie in week #2 of potty training: the mad mom dash--- running from the back of the store to the front to the bathroom with your 2 year old yelling: "potty mommy!!!"

End of week #1- Natalie on day #8 of potty training: maybe diapers is just easier. I'm worn out.

Day #6- Natalie on day #6 of potty training: big sister Becky (who's been trained for over 2.5 years) now wants a sticker for everytime she pees or poops in the toilet.

Day #5- Natalie on day #5 of potty training: Emma is starting a nudest commune, who wants to join her?

Day #4- Natalie on day 4 of potty training: Emma enjoys saying "I have to go potty" (even if she doesn't) and running to the potty just to see how I react!

Day #3- Natalie on day 3 of potty training: they can't pee under pressure aka "i can't pee when you're staring at me mom!"

Day #2- Natalie on day 2 of potty training--- no underwear works best!
Natalie on day 2 of potty training--- changing your underwear to try out each one is fun too.

Day #1- Natalie is shocked that her Emma went potty in the potty and then poopy 20 min later--- I guess all she needed was underwear and a potty chair!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not here... there!

When I told the girls (Becky and Emma) to stop jumping on the couch, Becky quickly obeyed and then told Emma:
"Come on Emma, lets go jump on my bed!"

Hmmm... I'm missing how this is a solution to the problem!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What mommies do.

Upon seeing me cry this afternoon, Becky declared: "Mommy you can't cry!!! Mommies don't cry--- they spank!"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cleaning up

So, upon losing my mind with all the toys in the living room, I did a major pick and dump into the girls rooms and I announced, "If you want to make a mess, do it in your own rooms!"
Becky quite matter of factly replied, "But I don't want my room to be messy!"
My point exactly.