Sunday, November 22, 2009


Help me carry this, I'm not an octopus.

singing: our God is an awesome God He reigns, from heaven above with twins and power and love our God is an awesome God.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

does Becky predict the future?

Becky to Emma: "Emma when you're 8, I'll be 10 and Grace will be 6 and we'll have a baby brother by then too."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

He didn't sweep me away...

I was at a Christmas concert practice this week and I brought Becky with me to watch. During someone else's turn Becky wanted to go get a drink of water. I told her where it was and let her go. She came back a few seconds later and said she couldn't find it. I told her to walk a little farther. So a couple minutes later she comes back.
"Did you find it?"
"Yes" she whispered. "A boy helped me."
I play gasped... teasing her.
"But don't worry mommy, he didn't sweep me away." She assured me.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jesus Did

When Becky woke up this morning she said to me: "Guess who touched me last night mommy?" "Who" "JESUS!!!" "Did he... tickle you?" "No, He was very gentle and nice Jesus."


Monday, August 17, 2009

Super Mommy!

Becky was supposed to be resting on the couch. I could hear her talking to herself quietly from the kitchen. "Becky, stop talking."
"How do you know I am talking? How can you hear me?"
"Because I have super mommy powers."
"Because I'm a super mommy!"
"No you're not, you don't have a cape!"

Proud Mommy Moment

We visited a new church yesterday and we were late getting Becky to her class. We slipped her in her class and went to service. When we went to get her the teacher asked me if our last name was Cerezo. I said yes. He said that they had asked her and she told them "I'm Becky Cerezo, C-E-R-E-Z-O" Awww, she can spell her last name! And she says it better than mommy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dora Impressions...

Emma has become a HUGE fan of Dora, to the point of using it as a reward or taking it away for a consequence. Her new specialty is to say: "oooohhhh maaaaannnn" when she doesn't get her way, like Swiper the Fox. It cracks me up every time~~!!! LOL

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


A few weeks ago Emma was throwing a fit in the kitchen about something she wanted.
So I asked her:
"Emma why are you crying??"
"I'm NOT crying, I'm whining!!!"

Well, at least she was being honest!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hey you!

We've taught our kids not to talk to strangers. Today, a neighbor girl was walking her dog and invited Becky (who was playing outside) to pet it. Just then we called her inside to eat dinner. She came in, but then ran back out to tell the girl that she couldn't pet the dog. This is what she said: "Hey stranger!" (we gently told her not to call her that...) Becky then says: "I mean uh, Strangeeerr! I can't pet your dog, some other time ok Stranger?"
Um yeah, I'm glad I was in the house--- because I would've been really embarrassed.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Gospel according to a 5 year old!

Me: "Becky, why don't you play with Grace while I do her hair so she doesn't cry."
Becky: "Ok! Here Gracie, I'm going to show you something." Becky got a sock and put it on her hand to do a puppet show! (Very creative I think BTW.)
"Jesus loves us, Jesus died on the cross for us because He loves us so much. And when you're 5 you don't get spankings anymore because you learn to obey. Jesus doesn't spank us, He loves us."

Friday, June 26, 2009


Yes so, we are tying to teach modesty to our girls.
Emma still needs help in the bathroom... she calls to me:
"Mommy, I need help- but don't look at my butt!"
Um, how am I going to help you if I can't look at you? ROFL

Much to my mother's disdain, I have regretfully taught my girls how to do this:
"Guess what?"
"Chicken butt!" hahahahaha

and to sing this song:

"Naked butt, naked butt, you have a naked butt (or I have a naked butt)."

Poor Grandma tells the girls that different families say different words to refer to their bottoms. Bottom of what? Exactly.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Becky's Birthday recap

Becky woke up on her birhtday and exclaimed that she could now read, 'cuz she's 5.
(Here she's in her Indian outifit from Shae and Lisa)
Let the Messy Pary begin: (a FEW pics from this VERY messy pary!)
~silly sting'n it~
~wall painting~
~shaving cream~
Pizza cake!!! An actual cake, that looks like a pizza, but it tastes like cake ;)
Grandpa McCowen does a great job!
Fun opening presents!
A rainbow for the Birthday Girl~!

Princess Becky in on of her Birthday presents!
It was a great day, I can't believe I have a 5 year old!!!

Emma's Birthday recap

Emma turned 3 on Tuesday. She woke up singing
"Happy Birthday" to herself. She was very
excited. We got her a Dora Lego play set, a
Magna dootle/ double sided with chalkboard and
a Hello Kitty beach towel. Emma talked non-stop
about our trip to Chuck-e-cheese that we were
going to be taking to celebrate her birthday day.
(We had a family party on Sat the 13th.)

Becky was also
excited to go to
Chuck-e-cheese and fell asleep on the floor in the corner when I threatened
that she would not be attending if she didn't take a nap.

Grace was the first one to explore at Chuck-e-Cheese.
She walked right over to the bus to go for a ride.I helped her in and she was happy as a clam.
This feeling only lasted until I turned the ride on and it started a slow back and forth movement. She did not like that at all. In fact, Grandma tried putting her in it again later without knowing
what had happened and got the same reaction without even turning it on. I guess she remembered. LOL

Happy Birthday to my sweet 3 year old! Love you!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Well, when I'm a mommy!!!

Emma has been immitating Becky all the time. Well this time she said it first.
We were leaving the park, but Emma didn't want to leave so she informed me:
"When I'm a mommy, I'm going to DRIVE by myself to go the park to play!!!"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can we do it tomorrow?

If I say no to something, Becky's next question is always: "Can we do it tomorrow (or get it tomorrow) ??" Cracks me up every time.

Speaking of "tomorrow" if it isn't happening today, then in Becky's mind it'll be tomorrow. Anything past today, whether in 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years... yep you guessed it- it's tomorrow. Becky is excited to learn how to read. She keeps finding her phonics books and shows me while saying, "This is for me when I turn 5 tomorrow and learn how to read."

When school got out a couple weeks ago, the next morning, Becky woke up and said: "Are we going to do school at home today now?" She was so excited to start, she just wanted to skip her summer.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

God made that!

As I was changing channels this morning, looking for something for Emma to watch, I came upon a worship/music channel. It was quiet worship music with calming forest and water scenery. I left it on that channel for a second and Emma, as a matter of factly shouts out: "GOD MADE THAT!"
"You are right Emma, God did make that!" I responded.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Lost is one of Mommy 's favorite shows. Becky knows it. Everytime it comes on and the letters L-O-S-T appear at the beginning of the show she asks what it says. Recently she remembers and will just shout it out "ooo that says LOST". LOL
Well while driving the babysitter home, she was having a pretend phone call with her. Soon the conversation went like this:
Jayme: "What are you doing Becky?"
"I'm watching TV."
Jayme: "What are you watching?"
"I'm watching LOST!"
"What did you say?"
"I'm watching LOST!"
(mommy in the front seat laughing her head off...)
Jayme: "Oh, well that's kind of a grown up show..."
Mommy: "Becky, do you know who's lost?"
"Oh yeah, the people are lost..."
Mommy: "Where are they lost?"
"They are lost on an island!"
Mommy: "Who's your favorite person from LOST?"
"The lost people, because they are lost and they want to go home."
(Mommy laughing so hard she can't breathe.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


"Yes honey?"
"I can't wait 'til I'm a mommy, then I'll be cool like you!"

"I miss Hannah, I'm sooooo bored without her!"

"Becky we're going to do something fun today! Can you guess?"
"Um... clean up the kitchen??"
(trying not to laugh) "No honey, I said we're going to do something fun."
"uhhh... go to the park??!!"
"no, something even more fun than the park!"
(eyes light up) "go to the children's museum???!!!" (I wish I could capture the way she said this in the blog, but it was like we was overwhelmed with excitement and happiness!)
"woohoo!" (dances around)

My turn to be the Mom

Make believe is a common occurance in my house. The girls often fight about who gets to be a dog, who gets to be the mom ect. When playing mom, they don't pretend to be mommy/daughter... they pretend to be mommy/son. I guess they've had enough of being a girl that they want to be a boy??
These are some common mommy/son dialogues:

"Mom I want to go to the park"
"No son, we can't go to the park"
(whinning) "Mom I want to go to the park!"
(voice raised) "No son, we aren't going to the park!"
"son" cries.

"Son, it's time to take a nap."
"son" cries. "I don't want to take a nap, I want to play"
"You stay in bed, and if you get out I'll spank"
"ok mom"
(a few sec later) "It's morning time!" (mom)
"no, I don't want to get up! I'm still tired!" ("son")

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration

We had lunch with my family for Mother's Day. On our way to Grandma and Grandpa's house, Becky was asking who all would be there. When she asked about my brother Shae and his wife Lisa and their kids (cousins) Matthew and Hannah, I reminded her that they couldn't come because they are still in India.
"Oh man!" she said, "We are soooo bored without them!"

awwww! she really misses her cousins!

They sure love to color!

A newer biggest hit, (right up there with watching Tom and Jerry!) is coloring. I have quite a few coloring books that I've collected over the years and now I've finally had to get some more as they've completely colored them all! They fight over the whole crayons, and cry if they end up using the broken ones (and they both are the culprits of purposefully breaking them..) Emma even told me (after I discovered her in the kitchen breaking all the rest of the whole crayons instead of coloring as I thought she was) that we needed new ones because these ones were ALL broken.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ewwww Mom!

I'm glad I have a King size bed. Everyone likes to be in it in the mornings. I had just finished nursing Grace in bed when Becky and Emma made their way down. Everyone likes to romp around while I procrastinate. This morning Emma and Becky were doing their best to keep Grace from crawling off the bed. When Grace stood up she spit up on Becky.
"Ewwww mom!!! Grace just threw up on me! She can't do that!! I'm not a mommy, she has to throw up on YOU because YOU are the mommy..." was Becky's response.

Monday, April 13, 2009

This is what I live for

Apart from Jesus Christ, moments like these are what I live for:

Monday, March 30, 2009

He's handsome

When visiting Grandpa and Grandma's house last week, something came apart and to console Becky I told her that when Grandpa got home he could fix it.
Becky then exclaimed: "Oh yeah! Grandpa can fix it because he's HANDSOME!!!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I may need grief counseling

Before: We got the Baby's hair cut yesterday (do we still call her the baby even though she's turning 1 in less than 2 weeks?)
I thought I would be happier if her hair was out of her face and shaped a little more, now I'm regretting it :(

I'm so proud of you mom!

I rearranged the kitchen today (just moved the table 90 degrees-) and Becky walks in and says: "Oh Mommy! I love it! It's just like when I was a little girl... I'm so proud of you mom!" LOL

Where'd you get your Masters in M.O.M???

Not feeling like a professional Mom these days, it sometimes seems like everything I do is "wrong"in both Becky and Emma's points of view...
"No mommy, I want the RED plate, not the yellow one!"
"Don't cut my sandwich--- oh mommy, look this piece of bread has a hole in it, I definitely don't want this one, take it back!"
"I don't want a little fork, I want a big girl fork."
"I don't want to wear that!"
"It's MY turn to go to the bathroom, not yours..."
"Not THAT movie, THIS movie..."

and on and on and on.....

Monday, March 16, 2009

You walked right into that one Papa!

Becky wanted another treat, an Ice-e in this case. Roberto told Becky that she needed to ask for it in Spanish before he would give her one. Becky was struggling so Roberto was helping her with each of the words "Yo quiero un azul". So then to get her to say it all together he said: "Say: I want a blue ice-e, in Spanish"
"I want a blue ice-e, in Spanish Papa!" was her response---- LOL!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Singing Songs

Becky loves to sing. She brought me the song book, and asked me to start singing through all the songs. When we got to "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" she started singing along and sings: "Jesus wants me for a SunBEAN!"

Monday, March 9, 2009

Becky's Grandma

Grandma McCowen is very gracious and brings Becky to school often since she lives really close. Last week when Grandma brought her into school, Becky wanted to introduce her to one of her friends. Grandma followed Becky into her classroom and met her friend Kathryn. This is what Becky said to introduce her Grandma to Kathryn:
"This is my Grandma, she's a little different."

Grandma enjoyed this more than mommy did hearing it--- Grandma took this with much grace and as a compliment. We love you Grandma even though you're a little "different". ;)

Friday, March 6, 2009

You know you live in MN when...

It's been so long since the birds sang, that when you hear them again your 2 year old asks:
"What's that noise mama?"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

You're annoying me

So when I ask Becky to stop doing something and she asks me why I've gotten into the habit of telling her "becasue you're annoying me".
So a couple days ago when I was telling her something in Spanish, rather than my usual English, she said: "Don't talk like that mommy, you're annoying me!"

In these terrible two's with Emma I've been using her middle name too in my stern mommy voice. "Emma Marie!"
So now if I just say Emma, she'll correct me- "No, Emma Marie!"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Potty training adventures

Week #4- Natalie starting week #4 of potty training: We're about 95% around the clock YAY- but Emma took her tights and pull-up off in the middle of our Sunday School lunch... (she does this at home and then runs to the potty, why not in public???? Ahhh I was so embarrassed!)

Week #3- Natalie in week #3 of potty training: Emma woke up sometime in the middle of the night to pee on her own!!! (I don't know when, she didn't wake me up!)

Week #2- Natalie in week #2 of potty training: the mad mom dash--- running from the back of the store to the front to the bathroom with your 2 year old yelling: "potty mommy!!!"

End of week #1- Natalie on day #8 of potty training: maybe diapers is just easier. I'm worn out.

Day #6- Natalie on day #6 of potty training: big sister Becky (who's been trained for over 2.5 years) now wants a sticker for everytime she pees or poops in the toilet.

Day #5- Natalie on day #5 of potty training: Emma is starting a nudest commune, who wants to join her?

Day #4- Natalie on day 4 of potty training: Emma enjoys saying "I have to go potty" (even if she doesn't) and running to the potty just to see how I react!

Day #3- Natalie on day 3 of potty training: they can't pee under pressure aka "i can't pee when you're staring at me mom!"

Day #2- Natalie on day 2 of potty training--- no underwear works best!
Natalie on day 2 of potty training--- changing your underwear to try out each one is fun too.

Day #1- Natalie is shocked that her Emma went potty in the potty and then poopy 20 min later--- I guess all she needed was underwear and a potty chair!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not here... there!

When I told the girls (Becky and Emma) to stop jumping on the couch, Becky quickly obeyed and then told Emma:
"Come on Emma, lets go jump on my bed!"

Hmmm... I'm missing how this is a solution to the problem!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What mommies do.

Upon seeing me cry this afternoon, Becky declared: "Mommy you can't cry!!! Mommies don't cry--- they spank!"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cleaning up

So, upon losing my mind with all the toys in the living room, I did a major pick and dump into the girls rooms and I announced, "If you want to make a mess, do it in your own rooms!"
Becky quite matter of factly replied, "But I don't want my room to be messy!"
My point exactly.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


A conversation I had with Becky last night:

"You are a Genius!"
"Why is that honey?"
"You're a Genius because you are my Mommy, that's why!"
"I'm glad we agree! ;)"
"Except when you spank me, then you're not a genius, because I don't like when you spank me."

Becky's new nickname for me:
Genius Mommy

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Missing Guatemala

Today a week and a half after our home coming, the girls were playing as if they were flying in an airplane. Emma asked Becky where they were going and Becky said: "Guatemala!!!"

Becky's first stateside bathroom experience:
"Oh no, oh no," she cried from inside the bathroom stall.
"What is it honey?"
"Where do I put this?!" (referring to the toilet paper since she couldn't find a waste basket)
"Remember, we can put the toilet paper in the toilet here."
"Ohhhhh! Thank you mommy!"

We got home on Monday night. On Tuesday night when we were tucking Becky in she asked, "Can we go on the airplane again tomorrow to see Paela in Guatemala?"

Grandma asked Becky how you say frog in Spanish. "Frogicita," was her response! LOL