Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Things that are "important"

Upon reminding Becky that our vacation will soon end, she exlaimed "Oh, so then I'll be able to throw the toilet paper in the toilet?" (In Guatemala the sewer system isn't able to decompose toilet paper- so we have to dispose of it in the garbage can.)
I guess I didn't realize that that was so important to her! LOL

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lack of communication

So Becky got a present from her papa, on Christmas morning. A flute/recorder--- after initial delight, she looks up at me and asks "Am I 8 years old today?"
"No honey, you're still 4 1/2" I replied.
"Oh, but am I 8 today I said?!" she exclaimed.
"Listen sweetie, I know that I told you that you wouldn't be able to have a flute until you were 8, but I guess papa decided to get you one before then."
"OHHH, so I'm 4 today AND I get a flute! Thank you mommy!"
"Well, thank your papa---"

Saturday, December 13, 2008

In Guatemala

When we arrived in Guatemala and Becky saw her Grandma for the first time in 2 years she said, "Paela (Spanish nickname for Grandma), you look like Paela, It's really you Paela!!" This was followed by hugs and kisses :)

Upon arriving to Roberto's parents house Becky went through the house exclaiming--- "Where are your children? Where are they? I want to play with them!" We realized she was reffering to her cousins who were there with her last time we were here.