Saturday, November 29, 2008

We don't use the "W" word in our house.

So, ever since Roberto and I met and married there's been a constant battle about where to shop. I know that Target is a great store and will rarely let me down, especially since my brother has been working at Target headquarters for 10+ years. Roberto still hasn't been saved from the "dark side" ;) He likes to talk about the great deals and cheap things at the other store and I always insist that I like the quality at Target and the service.
Becky has gotten in on many of these conversations and the other day made her own deduction as we were driving up to Walmart: "Oh! Is this Lazytown??" (From the tv series where the bad guy wants to lay around and eat candy all day, and the hero teaches the kids to turn off the video games and play sports and eat fruits and veggies.) I believe that Becky is very perceptive. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008


We hired a friend from Mexico to rake our leaves this weekend. He knocked on the door to get more coffee and Becky asks "Who is it?"
"It's Mr. Gato" (the name of our friend) I told her.
"I want to see Mr. Guapo!" Becky exclaimed. (Guapo means handsome!)
I started laughing and tried to correct her, but our friend was so delighted that he told her, "You can call me Mr. Guapo whenever you want!"

Monday, November 10, 2008

Emma is 2- almost 2 1/2

"I want bum, I want bum" means "I want gum, I want gum"

When we ask Emma to do something, like get out of the kitchen or go to her room, she'll usually say "No mama (or papa)" Then when we inforce it, sometimes she'll say "I said no mama!" I don't think she's ever heard that from me ;)

Becky is 4- almost 4 1/2

We took Becky to the emergency room a week ago because she was complaining (screaming/crying/shaking) of chest pain. Papa was very calm, but mommy was freaking out and insisted on an ER visit. In triage, the male nurse was asking Becky where her pain was and she exclaimed "It hurts so bad its going to kill God!" I didn't understand what she was trying to say then.
Later in our room when the Dr was checking her out, he asked where her heart was and if he could listen. Becky quickly told him "My heart is beating really fast, AND God is in there!" Then I realized what she meant before in triage-- she thought that the pain she had was going to kill God, who is in her heart! I melted, and all of the worries of that night were worth it just to hear her say that! (They did a few tests, including an x-ray which Becky was thrilled about, and sent us home with Motrin!)

The other day Becky asked Roberto to sing a song out of the song book she brought him and he started singing "Figaro, Figaro..." in a loud singing opera voice. Becky, very seriously said "No papa, that's annoying"

I am copying my sister-in-law :)

Lisa has the fabulous, and genius might I add, idea of blogging what her kids say. Since my brain cells have depleted 3 times (3 pregnancies and child births), I will never remember what my kids were like last year. If I start now, I'll be able to remember what happens today a year from now. I also think that this is a great way for friends and family in other parts of the world to keep up with how great my kids are ;) and how NORMAL and crazy our life is!