Sunday, November 22, 2009


Help me carry this, I'm not an octopus.

singing: our God is an awesome God He reigns, from heaven above with twins and power and love our God is an awesome God.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

does Becky predict the future?

Becky to Emma: "Emma when you're 8, I'll be 10 and Grace will be 6 and we'll have a baby brother by then too."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

He didn't sweep me away...

I was at a Christmas concert practice this week and I brought Becky with me to watch. During someone else's turn Becky wanted to go get a drink of water. I told her where it was and let her go. She came back a few seconds later and said she couldn't find it. I told her to walk a little farther. So a couple minutes later she comes back.
"Did you find it?"
"Yes" she whispered. "A boy helped me."
I play gasped... teasing her.
"But don't worry mommy, he didn't sweep me away." She assured me.