Saturday, June 12, 2010

B- O- O- B

Today was my niece's birthday party and she had a Cinderella cake made by Grandpa.  Everyone started requesting which part of the body they wanted.  Miriam wanted the face.  Becky and Emma wanted the hair.  Some of the adults joined in and wanted her arms.  What was left over was the bust.  I blurted out to the next person in line: "Sorry but you get the boobs."  And then I realized what I had said, so I apologized for saying "b-o-o-b".  Becky quickly says back, "b-o-o-b"??  I know what that is, that's "boob"  because 2 o's make an "oooo" sound.  "B-o-o-b spells boob mommy."  She didn't understand why everyone was laughing so hard.  I guess I can't spell things anymore if I want to hide it from my oldest daughter too.

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